Yellow Jigsaw team finalists in the Manchester ‘Be Proud’ Award 2023


We are buzzing to announce that Yellow Jigsaw is a finalist in the Manchester City Council Be Proud award in the ‘promoting equality and diversity’ category.

The award recognises initiatives to bring communities together, celebrating differences and Manchester’s diverse cultures and heritage – like our two projects, Media Cubs and Talking About My Generation. Other categories include tackling poverty, creating safer neighbourhoods, creativity in neighbourhoods and many more.


Media Cubs pop-up TV studio and newsroom helps kids across the region navigate, debate and create news whilst trying out new skills and developing confidence. The project has been working with young carers, the Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit, schools and many more to inspire the next generation of confidence communicators.

Meanwhile, Talking About My Generation is the UK’s first ever newsroom led for and by older people, challenging stereotypes and championing the belief that we can, and should, all expect to age positively.

Our team also work with a range of clients around Manchester to offer video production services, media training, PR and consultancy – empowering people to broadcast their own news and stories.

Kirsty Day, media director, said: “We are buzzing to be finalists in such an important category of the Be Proud awards. In everything we do, we strive to be meaningful, impactful and make a difference to communities. We are thrilled that the award reflects just that. We are proud of the work that we do and it will be an honour to be in the same room as all the other amazing individuals and organisations.”

Award winners will be announced at a special dinner on Friday, March 3, 2023. Please keep your fingers crossed for us!
Find out more about Yellow Jigsaw here: