Cara Wortley joined the Yellow Jigsaw team just a couple of week’s before Christmas and she has been off to a flying start – creating content for clients and our projects. Here she tells us all about her first month and hopes for the future.

Welcome to the team Cara!

“So here we are, I have been in my new role as a Content Creator for Yellow Jigsaw for a little over a month now, and what a month it’s been!

“I graduated from the University of Salford with a Journalism and PR degree and a lot of ambition. I began the hunt for a marketing/journalism job – and would you look at this beauty that I stumbled upon.

“An extrovert by nature, communicating with different types of people and understanding their stories is one of my favourite things to do – and working for YJ has allowed this on a different scale. Within this first month of working with the team, I have met so many wonderful people, younger and older, remotely or in person, with passions for storytelling and making a difference.

“Storytelling, is a word which means a lot to me. It may not always be associated with doing good or promoting positive change. Instead, as I investigated through my journalism dissertation, “Does the independent press regulator prevent abuse from UK tabloid press?” Journalism can involve a complex structure, often with ulterior motives and improper practice.

“What I am trying to say is it is both empowering and rewarding to work for a Social Enterprise that does genuinely amazing things for Greater Manchester – and tells people’s stories ethically and with purpose.

“Earlier, I mentioned my ambition, it’s an attribute I’m glad I have as YJ are ambitious too. There’s many projects within YJ, (if you can imagine the tip of the iceberg analogy), so I am learning how to use different tones, language, fonts and colours – pretty much everything content related changes for each project.

“There is so much to learn, at this stage I am being trained by the team and I am so grateful for their support and vast knowledge when I just need that extra bit of help.

“I am gradually getting into the rhythm of my new role, gaining knowledge each day. While my notebook fills with what you may perceive as scribbles, it reminds me of how much I am learning! Believe me when I say it’s a lot. I am loving each day with YJ, and I love learning from the amazing team. I am also looking forward to the future, and seeing what other amazing stories and opportunities come our way. By the time Grace gets back from maternity leave I am going to be a content creating wizard.

“What a great start to 2023 – and I know with our combined ambition and passion, this year is going to be a great one, for me and for Yellow Jigsaw.”

To find out more about all that Yellow Jigsaw does visit here.